Aparatul Immunotic puteti cumpăra în magazinul nostru (4400 Nyíregyháza, Belső körút 37/B. Magyarország) în timpul săptămânii 9:00 - 16:00 de ore, și pe Internet. Pentru achiziționarea aparatului avem nevoie de date personale (numele, adresa, numărul de telefon, adresa de e-mail). În cazul în care comanda se desfasoara on-line, vă rugăm să indicați (în afara adresei de domiciliu) și adresa de facturare. In caz de preluare postala, transportul echipamentului se desfasoara prin serviciului de colet DPD (o zi de lucru). Promoțiile și a reducerilor de preturi actuale gasiti in magazinul nostru, si în formularul de pe site-ul nostru și buletin.
Pentru lista completă de produse disponibile pentru achiziționare faceti click pe imaginea unui produs sau pe link-ul pentru a vedea mai multe detalii.
Înregistrarea pe site-ul este necesară pentru achiziționare, care este situat pe partea dreapta a site-ul web si puteti face cu formularul de înregistrare. Utilizatorii înregistrați cu produse primesc în plus discount, si posibilitatea unei reduceri suplimentare.
Produsul putetipune in cos cu butonul cumparare. Apăsați același buton eliminarea produsului din coș.
Inutul detaliat al coșului puteti vizualiza prin apăsarea butonului CART(COS) Puteți schimba cantitatea si prețul total care trebuie plătit aici. Apăsați butonul Next pentru a merge la plata, sau modul de livrare.
Opțiuni de plată
1. PayPal: PayPal este o metoda populara de plată on-line rapid și sigur. Aveți posibilitatea să utilizați un cont PayPal existent sau de a plati prin card de credit pentru cumpărături on-line, în absența acestuia. După confirmarea de cumpărare va fi transferat la site-ul PayPal, unde este plata efectivă după introducerea datelor. Despre sosirea sumei de bani în contul nostru vom trimite o notificare e-mail.
2. Transfer: Dupa ce ordinul este finalizat puteti visualiza pe ecran sau in mesajul trimis la adresa de e-mail cu datele necesare pentru a efectua transferul. Transferul puteti iniția de la banca dvs. personal sau interfata on-line. Despre sosirea sumei de bani în contul nostru vom trimite o notificare e-mail.
Metode de transport
1. Posta: Acest mod de treansport este posibil in cazul de plata :paypal ori transfer bancar. Dupa achitarea facturii vom trimite produsele comandate la adresa furnizată.
Înregistrarea pe site-ul este necesară pentru achiziționare, care este situat pe partea dreapta a site-ul web si puteti face cu formularul de înregistrare. Utilizatorii înregistrați cu produse primesc în plus discount, si posibilitatea unei reduceri suplimentare.
Produsul putetipune in cos cu butonul cumparare. Apăsați același buton eliminarea produsului din coș.
Inutul detaliat al coșului puteti vizualiza prin apăsarea butonului CART(COS) Puteți schimba cantitatea si prețul total care trebuie plătit aici. Apăsați butonul Next pentru a merge la plata, sau modul de livrare.
Opțiuni de plată
1. PayPal: PayPal este o metoda populara de plată on-line rapid și sigur. Aveți posibilitatea să utilizați un cont PayPal existent sau de a plati prin card de credit pentru cumpărături on-line, în absența acestuia. După confirmarea de cumpărare va fi transferat la site-ul PayPal, unde este plata efectivă după introducerea datelor. Despre sosirea sumei de bani în contul nostru vom trimite o notificare e-mail.
2. Transfer: Dupa ce ordinul este finalizat puteti visualiza pe ecran sau in mesajul trimis la adresa de e-mail cu datele necesare pentru a efectua transferul. Transferul puteti iniția de la banca dvs. personal sau interfata on-line. Despre sosirea sumei de bani în contul nostru vom trimite o notificare e-mail.
Metode de transport
1. Posta: Acest mod de treansport este posibil in cazul de plata :paypal ori transfer bancar. Dupa achitarea facturii vom trimite produsele comandate la adresa furnizată.
Acesti Termeni si Conditii (denumite în continuare Termeni și Condiții) de Immunotic Kft. (1068 Budapest, Király u. 80.), denumit în continuare conține "utilizator"), drepturile și obligațiile de servicii de comert electronic oferite de "Furnizor de servicii"), un beneficiar al utilizatorului generale (denumite în continuare. (Furnizor și utilizator, denumite în continuare în mod colectiv, părțile).
1. Introducere contractul dintre părți este stabilit si creiat.
1.1. Conditii de site-ul (denumit în continuare "Site-ul") este operat ca magazin on-line activ(denumit în continuare "Shop") este determinată de catre regulile de utilizare. Următoarele reguli nu se aplică la alte site-uri accesate prin intermediul site-ului, indiferent de natura serviciilor pe care le oferă, sau operatorului. În plus, domeniul de aplicare al acestor Termeni și condiții se aplică tuturor tranzacțiilor comerciale din Ungaria, care se stabilește între părți prevăzute în această Declarație. Achiziționarea de servicii de e-commerce, servicii ale societății informaționale privind anumite aspecte 2001-lea CVIII. Act (denumit în continuare "Ektv") este reglementată de prezentele Termeni și Condiții Generale vor fi ignorate de către Ektv. § 5 (2) și § 6 (1) - (2), sunt ocupate. Továbbá jelen ÁSZF hatálya kiterjed minden olyan kereskedelmi ügyletre Magyarország területén, amely jelen szerződésben meghatározott Felek között jön létre. A Webáruházban történő vásárlást az elektronikus kereskedelmi szolgáltatások, az információs társadalommal összefüggő szolgáltatások egyes kérdéseiről szóló 2001. évi CVIII. törvény (a továbbiakban: ”Ektv.”) szabályozza, azzal, hogy a jelen ÁSZF-el mellőzésre kerülnek az Ektv. 5.§ (2) és a 6.§ (1)-(2) bekezdéseiben foglaltak.
1.2. Cumpărături la magazinul web este posibil prin comanda on-line spetificat in Termenii si conditii.
1.3. Oricine are dreptul de a utiliza Serviciile Shop În cazul în care utiliza să fie legat de termenii și condițiile incluse în aceste pagini în sine.
1.4. Oferta nu reprezintă un contract, îndeplinirea în mod liber și fără consecințe pot fi modificate sau anulate electronic in e-mail. Executarea ordinului, furnizorul de servicii nu este răspunzător dacă produsele nu sunt disponibile în acest timp. Furnizorul de servicii are dreptul de a refuza comanda.
2. Ordinul
2.1 Filling in the form on our website, accepting our GTC and choosing a payment method is required for placing an order. The information specified on the form is required. Service provider denies liability for the adequate quality of information supplied. Service provider can not be charged in respect of any liability (warranty, liability for damages). If the User has chosen online payment, the placement of order is closed by the online payment (becomes valid after a successful transaction). Necessary conditions are provided by a third party, thus users are directed to the online payment platform.
2.2 Purchase price is always marked at the chosen product and it contains VAT (27%). Delivery cost is included only if it is indicated.
2.3 The service provider reserves the right to change the prices of available products/services, adopt sales and sales promoting marketing strategies. The contract is concluded with prices and packages marked at the moment of placing the order. Modification comes into force at the same time of appearance on the website. Modification does not influence the purchase price of ordered items, Users have to pay the price marked at the moment of order.
2.4 If a wrong price appears on the website despite all efforts of service provider, with special regard to obviously wrong prices, for example, widely different from the well-known, generally accepted or estimated price, possibly appearing 0 or 1 HUF price by system error, the service provider is not obliged to deliver the item for the wrong price, but may offer the delivery for the good price, knowing which the user can withdraw from purchase.
2.5 User is obliged to provide all the required information completely and in accordance with the facts. In case of incomplete or inaccurate information service provider may refuse the order. Service provider is not responsible for the delay of delivery or other problem, error that is traceable to inaccurate ordering data given by the User.
2.6 Service provider is obliged to confirm the purchase electronically (via e-mail) following the arrival of the User's bid (order). If the confirmation does not arrive to the User within 48 hours of sending the order, the tender of Service provider and all liabilities of Users are terminated automatically without further conditions.
2.7 By placing the order Users accept GTC and agrees to be bound by it.
3. Terms of delivery and payment
3.1 Service provider delivers the ordered products with the employment of freight company. Fright is born by Service provider unless it is indicated otherwise during the order. If more than one order is placed the same day by the same User, these are taken into account separately in terms of fright. If it is still possible based on the Service provider's feedback, orders can be combined in case the User indicates it during the placement of the second order. It is not possible to combine orders under delivery. Service provider reserves the right to change the fright. It comes into effect at the same time of appearance on the website. The change does not influence the purchase price of previously ordered items. Orders are executed under the conditions published on the website. In case the fright company does not attempt the delivery (for lack of an opposite request of the user) within the published deadline, the User is not supposed to take the delivery of the package and pay the C.O.D. (if the fright and price is prepaid, it can be reclaimed). By taking the package the User waives the demands related to overdue.
3.2 The ordered services are provided by handing them over to a fright company, so the place and time of providing is the place and time of delivery.
3.3 By placing the order the user undertakes an obligation to take the ordered and delivered item and pays its price and fright to the fright company (unless it is prepaid). If User violates all or part of this obligation, Service provider has the right to deny the execution of further orders. Service provider may provide that in such cases only prepaid and credit card payment orders of User are executed.
4. Right of withdrawal, way, consequences
4.1 User can withdraw from purchase within 14 days from delivery without offering an explanation. It is stipulated in the Government Decree 17/1999. (II.5.). User can exercise the right of withdrawal from the day of delivery. The product should be sent back to the Service provider's address in an original, undamaged condition along with the receipt and completed repurchase notice. Service provider is obliged to reimburse the fright reduced purchase price of products exclusively in original condition (undamaged, complete content, unharmed wrapping).
4.2 If sending back does not happen physically within 10 days from indicating the intention of withdrawal (the product does not arrive to the Service provider, User is not able to prove credibly that the product is sent via post of delivery service), Service provider supposes that User does not wish to exercise the right of withdrawal and stops the proceeding of repurchase.
4.3 The exercise of right of withdrawal does not mean additional charges for the customer, however, User sends back the product and bears the related costs.
4.4 At the request of User the Service provider is ready to arrange the return delivery. Costs shall be borne by the User.
4.5 Service provider can not receive C.O.D. consignment for technical reasons. Repayment is available after the investigation of repayment obligation, via bank transfer and postal check as it is stipulated in the Government Decree 17/1999. (II.5.).
4.6 In case of withdrawal, Service provider is not obliged to repay purchase price if the product is not sent back in original condition (damaged, worn, inner wrapping is removed etc.)
4.7 If the package sent back meets the criteria above, Service provider undertakes an obligation to refund the purchase price in full to User as it is stipulated by the law, within 30 days following delivery.
5. Guarantee, warranty, compensation
5.1 Immunotic devices marketed on the website are qualified as consumer durables by the Government Decree 151/2003. (IX. 22.). Service provider may offer a guarantee after mandatory warranty and money-back guarantee (hereinafter referred to as guarantee). These offers are indicated on the website among the details of devices. They are interpreted in the following way:
5.2 Service provider has the right to review the indicated fault related to the purchased product and in cases where the fault is traceable to improper use, purchase price is not paid back.
5.3 In case of its offers, Service provider reserves the right to judge claims put in and presumes proper use based on available information. In the event of satisfaction guarantee the exact conditions of use are imposed as different use may decrease the efficiency of the device, generating discontent in the consumer. If User departs from this use, loses its right for validation of warranty. Service provider supposes that User starts using the product within 5 days from delivery and uses it continuously from that point. In case of more products, there is a maximum 5 days pause between the use of products in a row.
5.3.1. 'Quality guarantee': In case of all packages Service provider undertakes a guarantee for failures resulting from quality defects occurring during the planned service life of the product. If the product can not be repaired, Service provider changes the product for an identical one. The planned service life of the product is 25 days from the removal of wrapping. Warranty does not cover defects that arise during inappropriate use (especially visible physical effects). User's obligation is to notify the demand for guarantee validation to the Service provider within 5 working days from being damaged, in case of default User is deprived of the right of validating 'quality guarantee'. Thus User is obliged to notify the demand for the first product within 35 days, the second within 65 days and the third within 95 days ( demand related to 2. and 3. product can be notified if more than one product is ordered at the same time).
5.4 After the notification of guarantee, the product is to be sent back to the Service provider's address along with the receipt, completed notice and data request form. If sending back does not happen physically within 10 days from notifying the validation of guarantee (the product does not arrive to the Service provider, User is not able to prove credibly that the product is sent via post of delivery service), Service provider supposes that User does not wish to exercise this right and stops the proceeding of guarantee. Service provider can not receive C.O.D. consignment for technical reasons. Repayment is available after the investigation of repayment obligation, via bank transfer or postal check.
5.5 If the package sent back meets the criteria above, Service provider undertakes an obligation to refund the purchase price in full to User within 30 days following delivery.
5.6 Different organisms may have diverse reaction to products marketed on the website.
5.7 Products are used on User's own risk. Read the instruction manual before use and observe the contraindications.
5.8 Parties stipulate that Service provider's liability for damages covers exclusively the purchase price and fright in each cases. Besides purchase price and fright other damage claims can not be validated.
6. Changing Terms and Conditions
Service provider reserves the rights for unilateral modification of Terms and Conditions.
7. Service related restrictions are the User's responsibility.
7.1 The website is used at User's own risk. Service provider refuses responsibility for such damages and inconveniences that are caused by the fact that the User failed to use the website carefully. Information about the User is made public and opened up at the User's own risk.
7.2 During the use of website User is obliged to proceed fairly and with the rights and interests of others in mind. The following prohibitions are applied to the User's all form of manifestations. User is obliged to bear these restrictions in mind in order not to violate regulations of Website use either intentionally or out of neglect..
7.3 User is obliged to respect valid law and avoid all unlawful activity that may hurt other User's interest. Especially obliged to:
- Respect other's privacy, moral rights and legitimate interests
- Avoid collecting and using information about others unlawfully
- Avoid committing crime or misdemeanor
- Respect intellectual property rights, especially copyright works of literature, science, art, inventions, designs, utility models, trademarks and regulations related to geographical indications
7.4 All Users are obliged to avoid all activities that obstruct the proper use of website. Especially obliged to:
- Avoid sending spams and chain letters (hoax)
- Avoid communication that may prevent, disturb others from proper use of website
- Avoid inappropriate, repetitive and other disturbing manifestations.
7.5 All Users are obliged to avoid all activities that harms Service provider's interests. Especially obliged to:
- Avoid disturbance and obstruction of the Website's operation
- Avoid all activities that are related to obtaining and using business secret of Service provider
- Avoid all kind of communication that conveys false information related to the service
- Avoid all activities that endangers the information security
- Avoid all activities that are directed to advertise own or other's product or service
In addition to those mentioned above Service provider may establish further restrictions about which Users are informed. Service provider denies liability for damages occurred as a result of the violation of restrictions.
8. Procedure in case of User's unlawful conduct
8.1. If an infringement procedure begins, information about the User may be transferred to authorities according to the laws related to the procedure
9. Responsibility of Service provider, exclusion of warranty
9.1 The Service Provider undertakes to take all reasonable measures to ensure continuous and undisturbed service .
9.2 The Service provider takes all necessary measures to ensure the security of User information but is not responsible for the disclosure of information by the User.
9.3 Service provider pursues to stop all possible problems and troubles arising in the operation of the website but cannot be held responsible. Service provider denies responsibility for User's behavior.
10. Enforcement of rights
Users may appeal to Service provider with their complaints and objections, who makes every effort to stop and remedy occasional infringements. Parties settle their legal dispute by consultation. As it does not serve the purpose or the degree of the infringement requires, rights can be enforced according to the effective laws.
11. Privacy Policy, data management
11.1 Service provider handles data completely complying with the Act LXIII. Of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Publicity of Data of Public Interest.
11.2 Service provider is committed to protect User's and partners data, considers the clients informational self-determination of high priority. Service provider treats personal data confidentially and takes all safety and technical measures to guarantee the security of data.
11.3 Giving personal data on the website is always voluntary. By providing data User agrees to the terms of this Privacy Policy and contributes to preserve, handle and use it for the purpose and time period determined by the nature of service. User unconditionally takes responsibility for providing data voluntarily and appropriate information in possession.
11.4 Legal basis of data management: the contribution of the concerned, as well as Act. CVIII. of 2001. 13/A paragraph. § (3).about certain aspects related in information society.
11.5 The managed data: first name, surname, e-mail address, phone number, address, address of order ( zip code, street-number, floor, door, doorbell), type and quantity of ordered service, amount to be paid, discount and other data given during note and correspondence.
11.6 Duration of data management: during service performance and conclusion of contract.
11.7. User agrees that Service provider connects handled data for informational, statistic purpose and in order to operate the system effectively. User agrees that Service provider sends electronic advertisement via e-mail, phone calls, phone message or via other ways communication.
11.8 User does not agree the disclosure of data. The User has the opportunity to get in touch with a colleague at the Provider concerning its request for the way, time, content, place of data management or any related activities. User may recant the agreement at any time.
11.9. Service provider deletes data for the request of concerned, if the purpose of data management ceases or the period of time stipulated by the law has expired, court or data-protection supervisor has ruled.
12. Others
12.1. Information are placed on the website in good faith, however, they serve informatory purpose exclusively. Service provider denies liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information.
12.2. Security level of the website ran by Service provider is adequate, its use does not pose a risk, but we suggest the following precautions: use antivirus and antispyware softwares with updated database, install operating system updates. Purchase from website takes it for granted that User is aware of the technical barriers of Internet and the accepts the possible errors going with technology.
12.3 Service provider is not responsible for any harm caused by connecting to the website. User is responsible for the protection of the computer and the information on it.
12.4 Parties take all measures to determine matters in dispute by negotiation. As it is not possible to determine legal dispute by negotiation, Parties choose the exclusive legal jurisdiction of the domicile depending on the limit of value.
13. Contact, Customer service Opening hours of customer service: 9:00 - 16:00 on weekdays.
Website contact:
- E-mail:
- Phone: 3642789404 or 36307229393
Website operator: Balázs Szloboda
1. Introducere contractul dintre părți este stabilit si creiat.
1.1. Conditii de site-ul (denumit în continuare "Site-ul") este operat ca magazin on-line activ(denumit în continuare "Shop") este determinată de catre regulile de utilizare. Următoarele reguli nu se aplică la alte site-uri accesate prin intermediul site-ului, indiferent de natura serviciilor pe care le oferă, sau operatorului. În plus, domeniul de aplicare al acestor Termeni și condiții se aplică tuturor tranzacțiilor comerciale din Ungaria, care se stabilește între părți prevăzute în această Declarație. Achiziționarea de servicii de e-commerce, servicii ale societății informaționale privind anumite aspecte 2001-lea CVIII. Act (denumit în continuare "Ektv") este reglementată de prezentele Termeni și Condiții Generale vor fi ignorate de către Ektv. § 5 (2) și § 6 (1) - (2), sunt ocupate. Továbbá jelen ÁSZF hatálya kiterjed minden olyan kereskedelmi ügyletre Magyarország területén, amely jelen szerződésben meghatározott Felek között jön létre. A Webáruházban történő vásárlást az elektronikus kereskedelmi szolgáltatások, az információs társadalommal összefüggő szolgáltatások egyes kérdéseiről szóló 2001. évi CVIII. törvény (a továbbiakban: ”Ektv.”) szabályozza, azzal, hogy a jelen ÁSZF-el mellőzésre kerülnek az Ektv. 5.§ (2) és a 6.§ (1)-(2) bekezdéseiben foglaltak.
1.2. Cumpărături la magazinul web este posibil prin comanda on-line spetificat in Termenii si conditii.
1.3. Oricine are dreptul de a utiliza Serviciile Shop În cazul în care utiliza să fie legat de termenii și condițiile incluse în aceste pagini în sine.
1.4. Oferta nu reprezintă un contract, îndeplinirea în mod liber și fără consecințe pot fi modificate sau anulate electronic in e-mail. Executarea ordinului, furnizorul de servicii nu este răspunzător dacă produsele nu sunt disponibile în acest timp. Furnizorul de servicii are dreptul de a refuza comanda.
2. Ordinul
2.1 Filling in the form on our website, accepting our GTC and choosing a payment method is required for placing an order. The information specified on the form is required. Service provider denies liability for the adequate quality of information supplied. Service provider can not be charged in respect of any liability (warranty, liability for damages). If the User has chosen online payment, the placement of order is closed by the online payment (becomes valid after a successful transaction). Necessary conditions are provided by a third party, thus users are directed to the online payment platform.
2.2 Purchase price is always marked at the chosen product and it contains VAT (27%). Delivery cost is included only if it is indicated.
2.3 The service provider reserves the right to change the prices of available products/services, adopt sales and sales promoting marketing strategies. The contract is concluded with prices and packages marked at the moment of placing the order. Modification comes into force at the same time of appearance on the website. Modification does not influence the purchase price of ordered items, Users have to pay the price marked at the moment of order.
2.4 If a wrong price appears on the website despite all efforts of service provider, with special regard to obviously wrong prices, for example, widely different from the well-known, generally accepted or estimated price, possibly appearing 0 or 1 HUF price by system error, the service provider is not obliged to deliver the item for the wrong price, but may offer the delivery for the good price, knowing which the user can withdraw from purchase.
2.5 User is obliged to provide all the required information completely and in accordance with the facts. In case of incomplete or inaccurate information service provider may refuse the order. Service provider is not responsible for the delay of delivery or other problem, error that is traceable to inaccurate ordering data given by the User.
2.6 Service provider is obliged to confirm the purchase electronically (via e-mail) following the arrival of the User's bid (order). If the confirmation does not arrive to the User within 48 hours of sending the order, the tender of Service provider and all liabilities of Users are terminated automatically without further conditions.
2.7 By placing the order Users accept GTC and agrees to be bound by it.
3. Terms of delivery and payment
3.1 Service provider delivers the ordered products with the employment of freight company. Fright is born by Service provider unless it is indicated otherwise during the order. If more than one order is placed the same day by the same User, these are taken into account separately in terms of fright. If it is still possible based on the Service provider's feedback, orders can be combined in case the User indicates it during the placement of the second order. It is not possible to combine orders under delivery. Service provider reserves the right to change the fright. It comes into effect at the same time of appearance on the website. The change does not influence the purchase price of previously ordered items. Orders are executed under the conditions published on the website. In case the fright company does not attempt the delivery (for lack of an opposite request of the user) within the published deadline, the User is not supposed to take the delivery of the package and pay the C.O.D. (if the fright and price is prepaid, it can be reclaimed). By taking the package the User waives the demands related to overdue.
3.2 The ordered services are provided by handing them over to a fright company, so the place and time of providing is the place and time of delivery.
3.3 By placing the order the user undertakes an obligation to take the ordered and delivered item and pays its price and fright to the fright company (unless it is prepaid). If User violates all or part of this obligation, Service provider has the right to deny the execution of further orders. Service provider may provide that in such cases only prepaid and credit card payment orders of User are executed.
4. Right of withdrawal, way, consequences
4.1 User can withdraw from purchase within 14 days from delivery without offering an explanation. It is stipulated in the Government Decree 17/1999. (II.5.). User can exercise the right of withdrawal from the day of delivery. The product should be sent back to the Service provider's address in an original, undamaged condition along with the receipt and completed repurchase notice. Service provider is obliged to reimburse the fright reduced purchase price of products exclusively in original condition (undamaged, complete content, unharmed wrapping).
4.2 If sending back does not happen physically within 10 days from indicating the intention of withdrawal (the product does not arrive to the Service provider, User is not able to prove credibly that the product is sent via post of delivery service), Service provider supposes that User does not wish to exercise the right of withdrawal and stops the proceeding of repurchase.
4.3 The exercise of right of withdrawal does not mean additional charges for the customer, however, User sends back the product and bears the related costs.
4.4 At the request of User the Service provider is ready to arrange the return delivery. Costs shall be borne by the User.
4.5 Service provider can not receive C.O.D. consignment for technical reasons. Repayment is available after the investigation of repayment obligation, via bank transfer and postal check as it is stipulated in the Government Decree 17/1999. (II.5.).
4.6 In case of withdrawal, Service provider is not obliged to repay purchase price if the product is not sent back in original condition (damaged, worn, inner wrapping is removed etc.)
4.7 If the package sent back meets the criteria above, Service provider undertakes an obligation to refund the purchase price in full to User as it is stipulated by the law, within 30 days following delivery.
5. Guarantee, warranty, compensation
5.1 Immunotic devices marketed on the website are qualified as consumer durables by the Government Decree 151/2003. (IX. 22.). Service provider may offer a guarantee after mandatory warranty and money-back guarantee (hereinafter referred to as guarantee). These offers are indicated on the website among the details of devices. They are interpreted in the following way:
5.2 Service provider has the right to review the indicated fault related to the purchased product and in cases where the fault is traceable to improper use, purchase price is not paid back.
5.3 In case of its offers, Service provider reserves the right to judge claims put in and presumes proper use based on available information. In the event of satisfaction guarantee the exact conditions of use are imposed as different use may decrease the efficiency of the device, generating discontent in the consumer. If User departs from this use, loses its right for validation of warranty. Service provider supposes that User starts using the product within 5 days from delivery and uses it continuously from that point. In case of more products, there is a maximum 5 days pause between the use of products in a row.
5.3.1. 'Quality guarantee': In case of all packages Service provider undertakes a guarantee for failures resulting from quality defects occurring during the planned service life of the product. If the product can not be repaired, Service provider changes the product for an identical one. The planned service life of the product is 25 days from the removal of wrapping. Warranty does not cover defects that arise during inappropriate use (especially visible physical effects). User's obligation is to notify the demand for guarantee validation to the Service provider within 5 working days from being damaged, in case of default User is deprived of the right of validating 'quality guarantee'. Thus User is obliged to notify the demand for the first product within 35 days, the second within 65 days and the third within 95 days ( demand related to 2. and 3. product can be notified if more than one product is ordered at the same time).
5.4 After the notification of guarantee, the product is to be sent back to the Service provider's address along with the receipt, completed notice and data request form. If sending back does not happen physically within 10 days from notifying the validation of guarantee (the product does not arrive to the Service provider, User is not able to prove credibly that the product is sent via post of delivery service), Service provider supposes that User does not wish to exercise this right and stops the proceeding of guarantee. Service provider can not receive C.O.D. consignment for technical reasons. Repayment is available after the investigation of repayment obligation, via bank transfer or postal check.
5.5 If the package sent back meets the criteria above, Service provider undertakes an obligation to refund the purchase price in full to User within 30 days following delivery.
5.6 Different organisms may have diverse reaction to products marketed on the website.
5.7 Products are used on User's own risk. Read the instruction manual before use and observe the contraindications.
5.8 Parties stipulate that Service provider's liability for damages covers exclusively the purchase price and fright in each cases. Besides purchase price and fright other damage claims can not be validated.
6. Changing Terms and Conditions
Service provider reserves the rights for unilateral modification of Terms and Conditions.
7. Service related restrictions are the User's responsibility.
7.1 The website is used at User's own risk. Service provider refuses responsibility for such damages and inconveniences that are caused by the fact that the User failed to use the website carefully. Information about the User is made public and opened up at the User's own risk.
7.2 During the use of website User is obliged to proceed fairly and with the rights and interests of others in mind. The following prohibitions are applied to the User's all form of manifestations. User is obliged to bear these restrictions in mind in order not to violate regulations of Website use either intentionally or out of neglect..
7.3 User is obliged to respect valid law and avoid all unlawful activity that may hurt other User's interest. Especially obliged to:
- Respect other's privacy, moral rights and legitimate interests
- Avoid collecting and using information about others unlawfully
- Avoid committing crime or misdemeanor
- Respect intellectual property rights, especially copyright works of literature, science, art, inventions, designs, utility models, trademarks and regulations related to geographical indications
7.4 All Users are obliged to avoid all activities that obstruct the proper use of website. Especially obliged to:
- Avoid sending spams and chain letters (hoax)
- Avoid communication that may prevent, disturb others from proper use of website
- Avoid inappropriate, repetitive and other disturbing manifestations.
7.5 All Users are obliged to avoid all activities that harms Service provider's interests. Especially obliged to:
- Avoid disturbance and obstruction of the Website's operation
- Avoid all activities that are related to obtaining and using business secret of Service provider
- Avoid all kind of communication that conveys false information related to the service
- Avoid all activities that endangers the information security
- Avoid all activities that are directed to advertise own or other's product or service
In addition to those mentioned above Service provider may establish further restrictions about which Users are informed. Service provider denies liability for damages occurred as a result of the violation of restrictions.
8. Procedure in case of User's unlawful conduct
8.1. If an infringement procedure begins, information about the User may be transferred to authorities according to the laws related to the procedure
9. Responsibility of Service provider, exclusion of warranty
9.1 The Service Provider undertakes to take all reasonable measures to ensure continuous and undisturbed service .
9.2 The Service provider takes all necessary measures to ensure the security of User information but is not responsible for the disclosure of information by the User.
9.3 Service provider pursues to stop all possible problems and troubles arising in the operation of the website but cannot be held responsible. Service provider denies responsibility for User's behavior.
10. Enforcement of rights
Users may appeal to Service provider with their complaints and objections, who makes every effort to stop and remedy occasional infringements. Parties settle their legal dispute by consultation. As it does not serve the purpose or the degree of the infringement requires, rights can be enforced according to the effective laws.
11. Privacy Policy, data management
11.1 Service provider handles data completely complying with the Act LXIII. Of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Publicity of Data of Public Interest.
11.2 Service provider is committed to protect User's and partners data, considers the clients informational self-determination of high priority. Service provider treats personal data confidentially and takes all safety and technical measures to guarantee the security of data.
11.3 Giving personal data on the website is always voluntary. By providing data User agrees to the terms of this Privacy Policy and contributes to preserve, handle and use it for the purpose and time period determined by the nature of service. User unconditionally takes responsibility for providing data voluntarily and appropriate information in possession.
11.4 Legal basis of data management: the contribution of the concerned, as well as Act. CVIII. of 2001. 13/A paragraph. § (3).about certain aspects related in information society.
11.5 The managed data: first name, surname, e-mail address, phone number, address, address of order ( zip code, street-number, floor, door, doorbell), type and quantity of ordered service, amount to be paid, discount and other data given during note and correspondence.
11.6 Duration of data management: during service performance and conclusion of contract.
11.7. User agrees that Service provider connects handled data for informational, statistic purpose and in order to operate the system effectively. User agrees that Service provider sends electronic advertisement via e-mail, phone calls, phone message or via other ways communication.
11.8 User does not agree the disclosure of data. The User has the opportunity to get in touch with a colleague at the Provider concerning its request for the way, time, content, place of data management or any related activities. User may recant the agreement at any time.
11.9. Service provider deletes data for the request of concerned, if the purpose of data management ceases or the period of time stipulated by the law has expired, court or data-protection supervisor has ruled.
12. Others
12.1. Information are placed on the website in good faith, however, they serve informatory purpose exclusively. Service provider denies liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information.
12.2. Security level of the website ran by Service provider is adequate, its use does not pose a risk, but we suggest the following precautions: use antivirus and antispyware softwares with updated database, install operating system updates. Purchase from website takes it for granted that User is aware of the technical barriers of Internet and the accepts the possible errors going with technology.
12.3 Service provider is not responsible for any harm caused by connecting to the website. User is responsible for the protection of the computer and the information on it.
12.4 Parties take all measures to determine matters in dispute by negotiation. As it is not possible to determine legal dispute by negotiation, Parties choose the exclusive legal jurisdiction of the domicile depending on the limit of value.
13. Contact, Customer service Opening hours of customer service: 9:00 - 16:00 on weekdays.
Website contact:
- E-mail:
- Phone: 3642789404 or 36307229393
Website operator: Balázs Szloboda